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Quality and SAfety


TT Building Consultants Pty Ltd have an established quality assurance system in place overseen by the integrated management system team. The TTBC quality assurance system is certified to meet the standards of ISO 9001-2015. TTBC have an established workplace health and safety management system in place overseen by a qualified workplace health and safety advisor. The TTBC workplace health and safety management system is certified to comply with the standards of ISO 45001:2018. TTBC have been listed on the JAS-ANZ register since 2009.


At TTBC we don’t view being certified to these standards as just ticking a box, we see it as a way to ensure that we cohesively meet our business objectives and targets, and continually improve our processes and standards. This pro-active attitude is what delivers us continual organisational growth and sets us above our competitors. 


TTBC’s aim is to develop long term, professional relationships with clients by consistently providing a high quality of service that exceeds their expectations. TTBC’s approach to quality assurance (QA) is based on the use of a project specific quality plan.  This is established for all projects and achieves consistently high quality work with accurate project delivery outcomes. 


TTBC also conducts bi-annual training conferences lasting two-three days where all TTBC technical and administrative staff are together to receive formal training to update their skills and sharing of Defence experiences. Guest speakers from Defence and professionals from industry are also invited as presenters. The technical content of the TTBC training sessions are of such a high standard, they are recognised by the AIBS Continual Professional Development (CPD) Scheme.



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